Green plants do wonders for the atmosphere!
Give your home personality and life with beautiful plants!
As the darkness sets in earlier every day, it becomes extra important to brighten up the home with fairy lights, advent stars, and candlesticks. Turn the dark time into a shining adventure!
The Advent season is a magical time filled with anticipation and coziness. At Plantasjen you will find everything you need to decorate your home both indoors and outdoors. Get inspired and receive advice on how to create the perfect Advent atmosphere!
November can feel like a long, dark month between the colorful autumn and all the coziness of December. But there is a way to brighten up this time without jumping straight into the Christmas celebrations: novent. Novent gives us the opportunity to transition from the calm of autumn to the anticipation of Advent, slowly but surely. By focusing on small changes and subtle decorations, you can create a warm and inviting atmosphere that makes you look forward to Christmas without rushing into it. Novent is a play on words with November and Advent. It is during this period that we create a mood that prepares us for Christmas without taking away the excitement of Advent itself. We don't start decorating for Christmas, but we prepare our homes for cozy indoor moments. Here are some ways to transform your home and create the perfect novent mood.
More and more people are choosing artificial Christmas trees over a real tree. An artificial Christmas tree can be used again year after year, and it will never shed. And there are many different varieties to choose from.The view that artificial Christmas trees feel too fake is based on old truths. Today, there are many artificial trees to choose from, and many are so lifelike that it is difficult to see the difference between them and real trees.
Wish the birds a Merry Christmas with delicious bird food, and decorate outside at the same time. A little extra love for the birds can create Christmas magic for both young and old. Our little winged friends need a little help when the cold is upon us. Think of the birds when you decorate for Christmas outside, and when you plan this year's Christmas workshop.
A classic fir garland or a more modern twist? Use it as a table decoration, hang it on the staircase railing, or around the door.
Handmade is always better. Decorate your front door, table, or wall with a Christmas wreath that you've made yourself.
Create a festive atmosphere at home with Christmas flowers. Our desire for traditions and colors at Christmas is likely one of the reasons why the "classic" Christmas flowers are still just as popular. During Advent, we decorate our homes even more to create warmth and Christmas peace. We light up rooms and windows with Advent stars and candle holders. We place gnomes in every nook and cranny, and, most importantly, we use flowers and greenery to capture the true Christmas feeling.
Norway spruce, common spruce or maybe an artificial Christmas tree - there are plenty of Christmas tree varieties to choose from. Join us in a world of Christmas trees, and learn more about what sets them apart.
Start the Advent season by creating a lush and natural Christmas atmosphere with plenty of plants and flowers. Beautiful plants make Advent cozy and inviting and create an atmosphere in the period that leads up to Christmas..
Create your own Christmas arrangement and give your holiday decor a personal touch. Choose plants, colors, pots, and decorations that suit your home. The combination possibilities are endless.
Hyacinth, poinsettia, amaryllis and poinsettia – these are some of the many Christmas plants you can give as gifts when Christmas approaches.,When Christmas approaches, the Christmas plants should be placed on tables and in windows, hung as wreaths on exterior doors, and used as still lifes in Christmas displays. The flowers of Christmas are colorful, fragrant and elegant.
A nicely decorated entrance can put your guests in a good mood even before they have crossed the doorstep. Create Christmas atmosphere at first sight. In the transition from autumn to winter, refreshing the entrance can work wonders. Combine wintergreen bushes and seasonal flowers with lanterns and light strings to brighten up the darkest months of the year.
Christmas does not have to be a season for buy, use, and throw away. Most flowers we decorate with for Christmas can easily live longer than during the holiday weeks. Here are some durability tips for the most common Christmas flowers.
Making a moss wreath is super easy. Since moss dries beautifully, it can last a long time. Just refresh the wreath with new decorations as the seasons change.
Wondering how to make your Christmas tree last longer, shed fewer needles, or how to best prepare it for being brought into the warmth?
The magnificent amaryllis is becoming more and more popular every year. But like any prima donna, it can be a bit temperamental with its flowering. How do you get the amaryllis to bloom for Christmas?
Be inspired by nature and set the table for the party with beautiful leaves, decorative pumpkins, chestnuts, and bonfire cones. Light lanterns and candles and create a cozy atmosphere for the evening!
The second Sunday in November is Father's Day. Give something green to dad this year. Maybe a new plant or a bouquet that says everything you want to say?
Decorate the grave for autumn with plants and lit candles. Around the time of All Saints' weekend, cemeteries and memorial gardens are usually adorned with lights, flowers, and greenery. You can also light a candle at home for those you miss and think about.
Start the new year with a luxurious orchid, tulips, or a silver-colored New Year's bouquet with various types of flowers and decorations. Whether you want to surprise the host, decorate the party table, or simply enjoy beautiful flowers for the New Year, a party bouquet is always a good choice.
Hyacinths for Christmas are a must for many. They spread a lovely fragrance and are easy to care for because they are grown from a bulb that provides them with nutrients. Scientific name (Latin): Hyacinthus orientalis. Family: Asparagus family (Asparagaceae) Hyacinths come in many different colors, with the most common being white, blue, and pink.
Something as special as a plant that blooms in snowy weather, that is exactly what the Christmas rose is. You can have it inside, in a pot by the entrance or outside in the bed.
Norfolk Island Pine, Araucaria heterophylla, has gained popularity in recent years and is now a houseplant with a strong trend factor.
The poinsettia is a very common houseplant during the Christmas season. Keep your poinsettias beautiful with the right care, and they will give you the true Christmas feeling in return.
Asalea is a beautiful, colorful flower. It adds color and beauty to your home, both on the window sill and on the table, and is one of several flowers we like to surround ourselves with for Christmas.
Amaryllis is one of our most beloved Christmas flowers, both potted and as cut flowers. The most common variety has red flowers, but amaryllis also come in other colors, such as white and pink, as well as two-toned varieties.,Scientific name (Latin): HippeastrumFamily: Amaryllis (Amaryllidaceae)