Plantagen Logo


Opening hours
  • Week days :

    10.00 - 18.00

  • Saturday :

    10.00 - 16.00

  • Sunday :

    10.00 - 16.00

About the store

At Plantagen Falun you will find the largest selection of plants, cut flowers, furniture, and all imaginable accessories for life with plants. Visit us and our knowledgeable staff will take care of you when you need advice or help choosing from our wide range of indoor plants, garden plants, and much more. During the summer, we have a 1500 square meter nursery with perennials, trees, shrubs, and other outdoor plants, as well as outdoor pots in various sizes. As we are both a garden and flower shop, and our assortment of different flowers and plants is so extensive, our customers come from all over Dalarna - from Avesta in the south to Idre in the north. Come visit us yourself and you will understand why.