Alocasia - facts and tips on care
Plant guide
Are you looking for a tropical and trendy addition to your home, you should definitely consider Alocasia. You can get it in a wide range of varieties, all with large and decorative leaves. Many also have prominent leaf veins that create beautiful patterns.
Scientific name (Latin): Alocasia sp. (also known as elephant ear),Family: arum family (Araceae),A little extra rainforest feeling in the living room can easily be achieved with a slightly larger Alocasia and a handful of other green plants. Alocasia easily takes on the starring role as an eye-catcher, with its striking decorative leaves.,Just be careful about one thing: Alocasia can be toxic (, so make sure to keep it out of reach of small children and pets.

Care tips for Alocasia
Where does Alocasia thrive best?,A bright room with a cozy and good indoor temperature is the most important. Give it plenty of space so the leaves can stretch out.,,Light,Plenty of light is good, but not too much direct sunlight. It can be placed near a south-facing window in the fall and winter, but keep it away from the most intense sunlight in the summer. A window facing north or east is usually a better choice then.,Temperature,Normal room temperature is ideal. The plant does not like cold drafts, and it should not go below 15 degrees. If it gets too cold, the leaves may turn pale - or the plant may go into dormancy and close the leaves.,Humidity,Alocasia is a tropical plant and prefers high humidity. Place it away from the fireplace and heat pump, where the air is often dry, and spray the leaves with water as often as you can and want.,How to water Alocasia?,Alocasia thrives best in consistently moist soil. Let it dry slightly between each watering. Lift the pot to check if it is light or heavy. This gives you a much better indication of when it's time to water than just feeling the soil with your finger.,,When the leaves become dusty, you can wipe them with a damp cloth. As mentioned, it is also wise to spray the leaves often.,,How to fertilize Alocasia?,Alocasia grows year-round but does not require more fertilizer than other houseplants. It is sufficient to use a little liquid, short-term nutrient approximately once a month in the summer.

Rooting of Alocasia
Lift the plant out of the pot to check if it needs to be repotted. If there are a good amount of visible roots around the root ball, it's time for repotting. Switch to a pot that is 2-3 cm larger in diameter, so the plant has room to grow and new good soil.
Offspring of Alocasia
Alocasia can be divided, so you get more plants. Take the plant out of the pot, and find a side shoot with roots. Gently separate the side shoot from the mother plant, making sure to include the roots. Plant the offspring in a new pot with some good soil, and voila, you have a new little plant.
Common plant problems
Alocasia can express how it's feeling through its leaves. Brown spots are signs of overwatering or cold damage. If the leaves are both light and brown, it may have been sunburned. If all the leaves are drooping, it may have gone into winter dormancy. In that case, you can water less than usual until it starts to come back to life.,,Most plants can be attacked by small pests. For Alocasias, common pests include mealybugs, spider mites, and thrips.

Different types of Alocasia
There are over 70 different species of Alocasia. The leaves vary in color from iridescent green to almost black, some even have a purple underside. The shapes of the leaves also vary, from narrow and pointed like spearheads to broad and round like hearts. Here are some of our most popular varieties:-Alocasia 'Amazonica' is one of the most common species - a deep green plant with striking leaves, distinct leaf patterns, and long stalks.-Alocasia zebrina is another common species - a green plant with stylish, heart-shaped leaves and tall zebra-patterned stalks.-Alocasia 'Stingray' is an elegant plant, with leaves curving inward with a tail tip at the end. The leaves resemble the appearance of a stingray, hence the name Stingray.-Alocasia 'Black Velvet' is a dark gem of a plant. With its almost entirely black, velvet-like foliage, it creates a striking contrast against typical green plants - especially with the bright veins.-Alocasia 'Dragon Scale' is both mysterious and exotic. With its large, emerald green leaves and marble-like light veins, it stands out as a focal point in the room.
Facts about Alocasia
Alocasia originates from Southeast Asia, and it is especially common on Borneo, the world's third largest island. In its wild and natural habitat, an Alocasia can grow up to four meters high. Alocasia is known as the 'tree that grows up to the sky,' and it is said to be the plant that is portrayed in almost all Western and Eastern versions of the fairy tale Jack and the Beanstalk. In that sense, it has a symbolism that promotes seizing opportunities when they arise, even if it may involve some risk.
Plant guide