Spring flowers in pots – decorate your entrance for spring
Outdoor plants and garden
When spring comes, we would like to decorate the entrance, porch, and stairs with spring's favorite plants, colorful decorations, and pots. Here are our best tips. Make it nice outside when the spring sun shines, and welcome spring. You and everyone who visits you will quickly notice the difference flowers and decorations can make.

Outdoor plants in pots in the spring
Fill pots and balcony boxes with spring flowers, where pansies are the main focus. Some plants can handle a few degrees below zero on their own, while others prefer above zero temperatures and sunshine to thrive. These plants are good choices in spring:
Pansy - the queen of spring, without a doubt. There are large and small, single-colored and multi-colored pansy flowers, and best of all - they can withstand temperatures as low as minus five degrees.,Ivy does well in the cold, and is nice to plant together with spring flowering plants.,Spanish daisies love the sun, as the flower opens up and turns towards the sun, but it can withstand a little cold in the spring, down to about 0 degrees. Here you get a colorful display from early spring to late autumn.,Daisies should not be planted out until the danger of frost is over, but after that it is tough, delivering flowers throughout the season. They come in classic white with yellow in the center (like the oxeye daisy), but also in several other exciting colors.,Dichondra, most commonly known as silver falls, is a fast-growing, beautiful plant with silver-colored leaves and trailing growth - perfect in mixed plantings, as it enhances and complements more colorful plants. Can be used in pots with seasonal plants from spring to late autumn.,Bellflowers (campanula), such as creeping bellflower, spread early spring joy and are nice to have indoors while you wait for the last remnants of winter to pass. Plant it out when there is no longer a risk of night frost.,Betulia blooms from early spring until frost arrives in the fall. Often used in cemeteries, but is equally beautiful in pots and containers at the entrance.,Geranium is considered an easy-care plant that you can plant almost anywhere, but it cannot tolerate frost, so wait to move it out until you are sure the temperature does not drop down to 0 at night.,Lavender loves the sun and warmth, and is not a flower for the first few weeks of spring, with uncertain temperatures. However, when spring has settled in, it is perfect to fill a whole pot with lovely lavender.
Interplanting - beautiful plant combinations in the spring
Feel free to choose a color or theme - playful, sleek, or natural - and put together plants that harmonize. Many plants of the same color bring calmness and fullness. Contrasts bring life and highlight each other. Here are three plant combinations worth trying in outdoor pots when the spring sun starts to warm up.
Stepmother and ivy
is a classic combination that never fails - the great advantage of these is that both plants can withstand some cold temperatures.

Geraniums or Spanish daisies along with Dichonda
are also secure winners, as soon as there is no longer a risk of frost.

Decorations at the entrance
When you have decided which flowers to plant, you can easily add other decorations to achieve the spring feeling you are looking for.MossMoss is underrated as a decoration. Add moss around the plants and see how the whole pot suddenly becomes a decoration - even before the plants have grown for the season.Decorative stonesYou can also use decorative stones to fill in the gaps between the spring flowers, giving a sleek and modern look and feel.BarkDecorative bark also works well in pots, and it helps retain moisture so you don't have to water as often.BranchesBranches from birch or twisted hazel are decorative on their own and stand out when placed with the plants.PotsOutdoor pots in different shapes and colors quickly set the standard for an inviting entrance. Choose a pot with drainage holes made to withstand outdoor conditions.Door wreathAdd the finishing touch to the entrance by creating your own spring wreath. Cut flowers, pussy willows, and light green leaves can be combined with any decorations you desire.
Outdoor plants and garden