Lawn - fix finished in 1-2-3
Garden care
Do you want a green and lush lawn in no time? Choose turf! With turf on a roll, you can enjoy your lawn as soon as you have rolled it out. If patience is short, or you simply don't have time to wait for the grass to sprout and grow, turf is the solution. With a lawn on a roll, you get a finished grass mat that you can walk on right away.

This is how ready-to-use Lawn works
The ready-made lawn is a grass lawn that has grown and is rolled up in rolls. You buy the number of rolls you need for your project and have them delivered to your home.,,Private individuals with a normal garden can easily lay the ready-made lawn themselves, but it is important that the ground is properly prepared and that the substrate is good enough for the grass to establish itself properly. It is in the preparation that you create the conditions for a strong and durable lawn.,,The area where you will roll out the grass must have the right soil and good conditions. For example, the ground should not be too shallow or clayey, it should be free from weeds and not too compacted. However, the substrate can be an old lawn that needs to be renewed, as it is perfectly fine to roll out ready-made lawn on existing grass.,,The preparation should be completed before the ready-made lawn is delivered to your home, as it is important to roll out the grass as soon as possible - preferably the same day.,,In fact, the preparation is very similar to what you do when you are going to sow a lawn from scratch. The difference is most noticeable afterwards - you can walk on a ready-made lawn right away, while you have to stay away from a lawn you sow for about two months, so that it can establish itself.
Checklist - preparation for turf
Good preparation is at least as important as actually laying the grass. The turf needs a sufficiently thick and even layer of soil. Calculate just over 20 cm of topsoil mixed with sand. The soil should be firm, but not too compact, so use a shovel or a tiller. Make the surface even so that water does not collect in any areas. It is important that the roots of the turf come into contact with the soil, so check for any holes and unevenness in the substrate. A lawn roller can be a great help. Finally, rake the surface with a rake.,,Spread lime and fertilizer over the entire surface, following the manufacturer's recommendations for quantity. A common dosage can be around 3-4 kg of fertilizer and 15-30 kg of lime per 100 m2.,,Are you laying turf on top of an existing old lawn? Cut the grass completely down and add a thin layer of soil, about 2-5 cm on top of the grass.
This is how you lay down Lawn
When the sod grass arrives at your home, it is important that you work quickly so that the grass does not start to deteriorate. Water the ground so that the soil becomes properly moist.,,If you are laying lawn over a large area, so that it takes many hours, it may also be wise to water the rolls properly before you start. If you do not finish in one day, you should roll out the sod that is not laid, so that they are not left on rolls overnight - and water them properly.
Laying lawn is easy
Start in one corner and unroll the first roll. Water it, and continue with the next one. When you reach the other end, cut off any excess with a sharp knife. Use the leftovers as you continue to the next row. Avoid having all the seams in the same place, they should be spread out - think of it in the same way as laying decking. Once you have unrolled the entire lawn, fill in the seams with soil. This way, you will achieve a nice end result, and the grass will not dry out at the edges. Water the entire surface well, it should be thoroughly soaked, and make sure it doesn't get too dry in the next 2-3 weeks while the grass establishes itself. Cut the lawn after about 2 weeks.
Turn off the lawn
When the lawn has established itself, take care of it in the same way as any other lawn. Give the lawn water if there are long periods of drought, and fertilize it 2-3 times per season.
Garden care