This is how you take cuttings of Coleus (painted nettle)
Indoor plants and interior
It is both easy and smart to take cuttings of Coleus. If you have never taken a cutting before, then the coleus is an excellent plant to start with. Here we guide you, step by step.
First and foremost: It does not harm the splendor to take cuttings, rather the opposite. When you cut the plant, you actually promote growth. The splendor will become stronger, bushier and simply finer. In addition, you get new plants that can bring joy to yourself or someone you give them to.
Take cutting of Coleus - step by step
Find the ornamental shrub you want to take cuttings from and a clean pair of scissors, then you are ready.
Step 1
Find a suitable shot, with two pairs of leaves.
Step 2
Cut right above one of the leaf pairs, so that there are leaves remaining at the top of the branch you are taking the cutting from。
Step 3
Remove the lower leaves of the cutting.
Step 4
Quickly, the cutting is ready to be put in water - or planted directly in a pot with soil. The most common method is to put the cutting in water until it develops roots, which often happens after just a week.
Step 5
Plant the cutting in a pot with regular flower soil. If you plant the cutting directly into the soil without first letting it root in water, it may be a good idea to cover it with plastic. This way, the fresh plant will have a small greenhouse effect in the beginning.
Step 6
Water the plant and take care of it as a splendid flower should be cared for.
Great advice for Coleus
Prayer plants do not require much, and they grow very willingly. PlacementAiry and bright, but not too much direct sunlight. The more light, the more intense the colors. In the summer, you can plant it outside, but it does not tolerate cool nights. Wait until it is over 10 degrees Celsius day and night, and gradually acclimate it to being outside. Prayer plants need to adjust to being outside in terms of temperature and light, otherwise they may get cold damage or sunburn. The best way to acclimate it is to let it be outside for a few hours every day for a couple of weeks, gradually increasing the time each day. After this, it can stay outside day and night.SoilRegular potting soil works well. Optionally, mix in some vermiculite or perlite to improve the soil.WateringWater often, but not too much. The soil should be lightly moist. If the prayer plant is drooping, it is thirsty.FertilizationLiquid, short-acting pot plant fertilizer is recommended as fertilizer, from spring to autumn.RepottingPrayer plants grow a lot in the beginning, and they need space for their roots, so feel free to switch to a larger pot after a while. Generally, it is good to repot annually, or at least every other year, so the plant gets fresh soil and good nutrients.
How to prune Coleus?
If you want a strong bush - and not a long, thin one - you should top the plant. Trim the tops, in the same way as when taking a cutting, and let the side shoots grow. With proper care, the coleus can become a big and fantastic splash of color. Also, keep an eye out for flower buds, and pinch them off as soon as you see them. Flowers take a lot of nutrients from the plant itself, so the plant will stay prettier if you remove the buds.
How to revive a wilting Coleus plant?
Do you already have a thin and scraggly heather plant that you're not completely satisfied with? Don't despair, it can usually be saved! In spring and summer, you can prune the plant heavily by cutting right above small shoots low on the branches. It may look sorry after this, but give it a few weeks and see it transform into a strong and bushy specimen. If you prune the plant in autumn or winter, it will need plant lighting and a little extra love to recover. It's actually that simple! Heather plants are very grateful to propagate and thrive. With a little effort, you can cultivate a variety of new plants. Good luck!
Themes: Cuttings, Green Indoor Plants
Indoor plants and interior